website AI Pin Leverages ToF Technology to Project Laser Display onto Palm– Tofsensors
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AI Pin Leverages ToF Technology to Project Laser Display onto Palm

AI Pin Leverages ToF Technology to Project Laser Display onto Palm


The design concept of AI Pin is to replace the traditional smartphone, in a new, screenless, conversational form, allowing users to use AI anytime and anywhere, making the palm a small display.It used the ToF ( time of flight) technology for projection and display.

AI Pin used ToF( time of flight)technology for project a laser ink display onto the user's palm
AI Pin used ToF( time of flight)technology for project a laser ink display onto the user's palm
AI Pin used ToF( time of flight)technology for project a laser ink display onto the user's palm

The Pin does not have a screen, only a touchpad. The device uses a ToF (Time of Flight)  sensor and a laser beam scanning projection system to project a laser ink display onto the user's palm, with a 125° viewing Angle and a 720p resolution.

AI pins can obtain richer three-dimensional information to recognize objects and scenes better. This allows AI Pins to provide smarter, more natural interaction experiences, such as faster gesture recognition and object recognition.




Applicable products:CS20,  CS30 , CS20-PCS40CS40p


After-sales Support:
Our professional technical team specializing in 3D camera ranging is ready to assist you at any time. Whether you encounter any issues with your TOF camera after purchase or need clarification on TOF technology, feel free to contact us anytime. We are committed to providing high-quality technical after-sales service and user experience, ensuring your peace of mind in both shopping and using our products.

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