website AI Pin used ToF( time of flight)technology for project a laser ink dis– Tofsensors
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AI Pin used ToF( time of flight)technology for project a laser ink display onto the user's palm

AI Pin used ToF( time of flight)technology for project a laser ink display onto the user's palm


The design concept of AI Pin is to replace the traditional smartphone, in a new, screenless, conversational form, allowing users to use AI anytime and anywhere, making the palm a small display.It used the ToF ( time of flight) technology for projection and display.

The Pin does not have a screen, only a touchpad. The device uses a ToF (Time of Flight)  sensor and a laser beam scanning projection system to project a laser ink display onto the user's palm, with a 125° viewing Angle and a 720p resolution.

AI pins can obtain richer three-dimensional information to recognize objects and scenes better. This allows AI Pins to provide smarter, more natural interaction experiences, such as faster gesture recognition and object recognition.


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