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TOF 传感器 新品

The impact of TOF sensors on 3D scanning and imaging
Three-dimensional (3D) scanning and imaging have revolutionized various industries in recent years. From manufacturing to medicine, 3D imaging has...
The role of TOF sensors in robotics and automation
The use of technology in robotics and automation has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, making it more efficient, cost-effective, and safer...
Comparison between TOF sensors and other types of distance sensors
Distance sensors are an essential technology for many modern applications, from robotics and automation to automotive and healthcare. Two popular ...
Top 10 applications of TOF sensors in different industries
TOF (Time-of-Flight) sensors are a type of optical sensor that measure the time it takes for light to travel from the sensor to the object and bac...
What is a TOF sensor and how it works: Complete guide
Time of Flight (TOF) sensors are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of applications, from mobile devices to autonomous vehicles. They p...
Is LiDAR the same as ToF?
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and ToF (Time-of-Flight) sensors are related but not exactly the same. Both LiDAR and ToF sensors use light to...
飞行时间(TOF)传感器是一种技术,它通过测量光信号来回旅行的时间来计算距离。近年来,TOF传感器在物体体积识别中的应用越来越受欢迎。 TOF传感器在物体体积识别中的主要应用是通过测量物体表面与其周围环境之间的距离来确定物体的大小。传统的物体识别技术通常依赖于2D图像来识别物体的长度和宽...
TOF(飞行时间)传感器是一种通过测量光信号来计算距离的技术。它可以通过向目标发射光信号并测量这些信号返回的时间来确定目标与传感器之间的距离。这项技术已广泛应用于自动驾驶、室内导航和虚拟现实等多个领域。近年来,TOF传感器在面部识别领域的应用也越来越受到关注。 TOF传感器在面部识别中的主要...
在当今世界,监控和控制特定区域内的人数变得越来越重要,以维护安全和确保遵守规定。TOF传感器作为一种有效的人群计数解决方案逐渐显现出来,它能提供准确且高效的数据,而无需人工干预。 TOF传感器通过发射光脉冲并测量光从表面反射回来的时间来工作。利用这些信息,传感器可以计算传感器与物体(包括人)...
在当前的疫情情况下,消毒机器人变得越来越重要,因为它们通过高效消毒表面来帮助降低病毒传播的风险。实现消毒机器人高效运行的关键技术之一是飞行时间(TOF)传感器。 TOF传感器通过发射光脉冲并测量光从表面反射回来的时间来工作。这使得传感器能够确定机器人与表面之间的距离,并创建周围环境的3D地...
最近,一家知名的物流研究公司成功开发了一项基于飞行时间(ToF)传感器的自动托盘识别技术,该技术使无人叉车能够自动识别托盘并执行运输操作,大大提高了物流效率和安全性。 据报道,这项新技术使用ToF(飞行时间)传感器实时测量光的飞行时间。通过计算时间和光速的乘积,可以获得物体与传感器之间的距...

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